hello .

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i used to have a job and it was a really good job with a really wonder full company and then i met someone and i left. we performed miracles

some people dont believe in miracles but i do because i have been so many places and done so many things and now i dont anymore but thats okay because i still have what my boss at the old company at the really good company gave me.

i want to know if you also believe in miracles. i know you've seen them. miracles are everywhere and we are just some of them here

someone told me to keep taking good care of this little robotic thing and i dont know how. please feed or i will feel just so dreadful . it wou

ld not be such a miracle for him to starve and i dont know how to help him starve. ive never been like that

maybe i should tell stories

when im writing this im lonely. i took a walk in the rain just now and i liked it. it was calm. rain used to scare me because it meant floods, but we dont live in the valleys anymore and i just dont think that ill drown. haha thats funny. but we liked the cleansing. rain is a miracle too even if it stings